Publications on Electrophonics - Colin Keay
(In order of publication)
1. The 1978 New South Wales Fireball. C.S.L. Keay, Nature, 285, 464-466, 1980
2. Anomalous Sounds from the Entry of Meteor Fireballs. Colin S.L. Keay, Science, 210, 11-15, 1980
3. Audible Sounds Excited by Aurorae and Meteor Fireballs. Colin S.L. Keay, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 74, 253-260, 1980
4. Electrophonic Meteor Fireballs. C.S.L. Keay, Southern Stars (Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand), 31, 11-16, 1984
5. In Quest of Meteor Sounds. C.S.L. Keay, Sky and Telescope, 70, 623-625, 1985
6. C A Chant and the Mystery of Auroral Sounds. Colin S.L. Keay, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 84, 373-381, 1990
7. A Laboratory Test of the Production of Electrophonic Sounds. Colin S.L. Keay and Patricia Ostwald, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(4) Pt(1), 1823-1824, 1991
8. Physics, Psychology and Respectability. C.S.L. Keay, Scientometrics, 23, 355-359, 1992
9. Electrophonic Sounds from Large Meteor Fireballs. Colin S.L. Keay, Meteoritics, 27, No 2, 144-148, 1992
10. Meteor Fireball Sounds Identified. Colin Keay, in "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991", A.W. Harris and E. Bowell (eds), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 297-300, 1992
11. Compilation of an Electrophonic Meteor Catalog. C.S.L. Keay, Proceedings of International Meteor Conference, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, International Meteor Organisation, 44-47, 1992
12. Electrophonic Meteor Fireballs Require Further Study. C.S.L. Keay, in "Meteoroids and Their Parent Bodies", J. Stohl and I.P. Williams (eds), Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, 315-318, 1993
13. Progress in Explaining the Mysterious Sounds Produced by Very Large Meteor Fireballs. Colin S.L. Keay, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 7, No 4, 337-354, 1993
14. Rate of Observation of Electrophonic Meteor Fireballs. C.S.L. Keay and Z. Ceplecha, Journal of Gephysical Research (Planets), 99(E6), 13,163-13,165, 1994
15. Electrophonic Sounds Catalog. Colin Keay, WGN, Report Series of the International Meteor Organisation, 6, 151-172, 1994
16. Audible Fireballs and Geophysical Electrophonics. Colin S.L. Keay, Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 11(1), 12-15, 1994
17. Continued Progress in Electrophonic Fireball Investigations. Colin Keay, Earth, Moon and Planets, 68, 361-368, 1995